Let’s talk big ideas and little details. Let’s hear about your passion and share some of ours. We stay pretty connected, so you can contact and follow the Caravan team several ways. We’d love to hear from you.
General Inquires
hello@wearecaravan.tv -
Job Inquires
jobs@wearecaravan.tv -
3116 May Street
Charlotte, NC 28217 -
President & Executive Producer
Jon Muedderjon@wearecaravan.tv -
Executive Producer
Taylor Fishertaylor@wearecaravan.tv -
Charlotte Film Rentals
hello@charlottefilmrentals.com -
Partner & Director
Bernardo Marentesbernardo@wearecaravan.tv -
Executive Producer & Head of Production
Michelle Wheelermichelle@wearecaravan.tv -
Head of Post Production
Jasmine Foxjasmine@wearecaravan.tv
Footage Licensing
FilmsupplyMicah Austin